Monday, November 26, 2007

I am putting the finishing touches on my manuscript, PAPER SON. It’s very exciting. When I started Vermont College in January 2006, I thought I was a picture book writer. I may still be, and hope to be, but writing middle grade novels is a newfound passion and joy. Joy, of course, when the writing is going well. A big pain and lots of squawking, when the writing is not going well. Sounds about right. Luckily, I have a wonderful, engaging, and brilliant community of writers to help me through it all.

I am graduating from Vermont College of Fine Arts in January 2008. My class name is called The Dedications. We Deds are extremely dedicated, in case you couldn't tell. Dedicated to VCFA, to our friendships that we've made, and especially, to our craft. I will miss my time with the MFA in Creative Writing for Children & Young Adults program. Will miss the trips to Vermont. Won’t miss the dorms or packet deadlines. Will miss the people, always the people. But with the Internet, I will not be far from contact. Let's see where my writing takes me.

Let the journey begin!

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